To celebrate the beginning of her third week, Mia got a blood transfusion through a vein in her head. The nurses said this is actually the best, least invasive, and painless place to get poked, but that the parents usually freak when they see the needle and the tubes taped to the baby's head. They were correct. As upsetting as it was to see, little Mia didn't seem to mind a bit and rather enjoyed some fresh blood. She needed a little blood (only an oz.) because they had taken some the day before for some tests. The transfusion was yesterday and we decided not to take any photos. The first three pics seen here are from Saturday, when Grandma Buffo finally got to hold Mia for a little bit.

Mia's had a bumpy few days. They were upping her feedings and I think it was a little to much for her little belly to handle and she got a little backed up. They thought she might have some kind of intestinal blockage, but so far the x-rays show everything to be normal. Regardless, they've stopped giving her milk and formula for a couple of days now supposedly to give her system a rest. Now her lactic acid level has risen again to 6, most probably because she hasn't had the benefits of her mother's milk for a couple of days.

Her little belly button has an infection as well, and now they're giving her antibiotics to deal with that. Despite everything that is happening to her, she becomes more beautiful with each passing day. She seems indifferent to everything going on around her, content in her little isolette and enjoying the visits from mom and dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and friends very much. She asked me to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and well wishes and says please keep it up!

Today Mia was resting and seemed very content. We visited with her a little bit, but didn't bother her too much since she had been going through so much for the past couple of days. One advantage of her not getting fed is that for the first time since her birth, her beautiful face is free of all tubes, wires, and tape, allowing for an unobstructed view of her angelic face.
I had to just sit by her side for a while and stare in amazement at our beautiful gift.

A little smile

Being peace
Dear little Mia,
You are so beautiful and we are sorry that you have to be going through so many tests and being
probed and poked so many times for all the tests they feel you need.
Grandma Martha looks beautiful holding you. I can't wait to do the same. We love you. Aunt Theresa & Uncle Mickey
Thank you for the new photos. Mia is the most extraordinarily beautiful baby girl I have ever seen, and you three are extraordinary with how well you are handling all the tests, and ups and downs!! My hat is off to the new Zingarelli family!! I love you so much!! GramZ
Dear Francesca, Noah and Mia,
I am so happy that Mia is coming home. She looks so beautiful. We love you.
Franny, Paul, Victoria and Elizabeth
Noah and Francesca - I think of you two and Mia all the time. She is so beautiful. Let us pray that she has inner strength and God's help to see her through this. I love your comments.
Susan Bell
She is so beautiful. So glad to hear about her progress. My thoughts are with you daily. Susan Green (Mary's yoga student)
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