Well goodness gracious, turns out Francesca has a belly full of little girl!
Proud, excited, exhilarated, are some words that come to mind.
Everytime I think of her, my heart swells and I can't help but smile and something seems to find it's way into my eye because it starts to tear.
So without further ado, I give you Mia Bella.....

"Face Plant"

"Happy Halloween 1" Mia makes her scary skeleton face. Turn your head sideways to the right.

"Happy Halloween 2"

"Thumbs Up" Don't worry, all is good in here! - mia bella
So that's our little girl as of 19 weeks. Those pics were taken October 9th. Three days later Francesca woke me up in the early morning saying she could feel her kicking. She took my hand and put it over her tummy and sure enough I felt two little kicks. Simply amazing.
I love that you created this blogspot. Its so special to be able to follow and share closely in your lives....especially since you are so far away. Mia Bella is a beautiful name. Good Choice, so happy for you!!
love Sarah
I remember Noahs birth. Really put, me in touch with the miricle of life. I'm enjoying it now, with the three of you. It's that fullness where you feel like your heart could explode. Little Mia, body surfin' in the belly. I just got something in my eye too. Quick, Family hug. Ahh, that feels good!!! Love you, Popa and Ms. M.
I'm so excited for the both of you!!! I guess thats why they call it the "miracle of birth" really is, when you think about it. I'm glad everything is progressing nicely...Love you all!
Bonnie & Doug
Momma Donna loves Mia's thumbs up!! In fact I love all of her so much....this is way beyond exciting....wiat till we meet her...that's what I used to say about you, Noah...we knew you'd be amazing, and Mia looks like she is following in her Momma and her Poppa's amazing footsteps!!What a wonderful way to start my day-I am printing the pictures out and hanging them next to my desk! Love you three so much!!!!
We are so excited and happy for both of you and we love little "Mia Bella" because she is a part of both of you. We can't wait till we all see you. We can't imagine Francesca with a little belly. Keep us in touch with the progress of "Mia Bella" and both of you. Love you all,
Uncle Mickey & Aunt Theresa
Congrats to both of you, this is fantastic news.
It has been too long since we hung out Coach Z.
Hope everything is coming up roses, and from the sound of things they are.
A word of advice. DON'T LEAVE THE HOSPITAL WHILE FRANCESCA IS IN LABOR! She'll never let you live it down. Joanne had been in labor for 12 hours and at 3 centimeters when I thought I should really eat something in order to keep up my coaching strength. So, Hudson, Greg and I went for a quick beer (or two) and a burger. An hour later upon my arrival Joanne was at 8 centimeters, her epidural had worn off and she wanted my head on a platter. In my defense I did keep my cell phone on. Luckily she stayed in labor for many more hours (17 in total) before gannon (aka the gannonator, heavy g, biggie smalls, or g-man) made his debut. It's my recommendation to have friends bring food to you from the outside to avoid such problems. Trust me.
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