Friday, February 23, 2007

Weekend Update

Mia has had a great few days. She's continuing to gain weight, tolerate more food, and breathe better on her own. She's also started drinking from a bottle, but is still not totally sure what's she's supposed to do with it once it's in her mouth. The hospital has a wonderful physical therapist that has been working with Francesca and Mia, helping her to take the bottle better.

She's two weeks old today, and I'll post up some more pics when Francesca gets back from the hospital tonight. I haven't gone up in a couple of days because I've been feeling a little under the weather and don't want to bring my germs to the hospital, but hopefully I'll be going again soon.

Little bunny sleepin 2/19/07



Francesca gives Mia the bottle for the first time 2/21/07

Sleep or eat, sleep or eat? Can't I do both? 2/21/07


She's awake! 2/21/07

Papa Z and Mia 2/22/07

YAAAAWN! 2/22/07



Grandma Mose gets a peek 2/22/07


Peekin pink 2/23/07


Grandma Donna and Mia 2/23/07

Laura the nurse is holding up stylish backgrounds 2/23/07


Hangin on two fingers 2/23/07


Hey mom look over there! 2/23/07

Okay fine, I'll open my eyes but only a little bit! 2/23/07

Eyes 2/23/07



At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mia,
We can't wait to hold you in our arms and love you all up. You are so beautiful and we love you so much. We will see you soon.
Hugs and kisses, Aunt Theresa & Uncle Mickey.

At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the new pix...Mia is such a beauty! Love all the comments, too, NoZ. Love you three so much! GramZ

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't stand how cute she is. The pictures with her eyes open are precious. I don't know how you find the time to blog but don't stop. Its my lifeline to you guys. She looks like she is getting stronger everyday. I love you. Please give her a peck on that cute nose for me. Love you so much and miss you. You are in my prayers everynight.
Love.........Mary Kate

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Francesca and Noah,

You two are remarkable parents!!
Thank you so much for the new pix--and thanks for posting them. We feel so connected with every little amazing accomplishment! Mia looks sooooo cute and is really coming along so well. We will see you soon. Love, Aunt Bev and Uncle Sparky XOXOXOXOX


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