10 years in the making.....
10 years in the making? What's taken 10 years to make do you ask? Is it this totally sweet blog? Well sorta I guess, but not really. The big news is we are having a baby!
Yup. Baby makes 3.
We just hit 15 weeks and boy what a 15 weeks it has been. Francesca has had the worst of it obviously. Extreme morning sickness that seemed like it would never end. It was so bad in fact that we had to cancel a trip back to New York, which we were really bummed about. But ::: knock wood ::: it seems that the nausea is on the way out. She has been back to work and feeling pretty good for the most part.
Below is our little, really little bundle of joy on July 27th, 2006

The doctor said that that's a baby, but it looks like a blob to me. But she was kind enough to identify the head and the rump and label it on the sonogram so I guess she's right.
A few weeks later we were back for another visit and this time the blob had grown! Clearly had a head and a little body now. Gone was the rump. Again the doctor labeled the sonogram (thank god). Even cooler than the sonagram was hearing our little buggers heart beat for the first time! It was fast, steady, and beautiful!!! What an experience.
Below is the little one on August 10th, 2006.

Aw isn't he/she cute? Ummmm if you say so doc!! Now if only the doctor could spell Francesca's name right (see sonogram).
She's a great doctor though and originally from New York so she gets us. We had another appointment this past Monday and everything seems a-ok thus far. The doctor is really pleased with Francesca's progress and we'll be going back for the 20 week sonogram on October 9. We should be able to tell by then if it's a boy or a girl!
I've created this blog to keep you all up to date with our goings on, since we talk and see so many of you not nearly enough. That all could be changing soon, but that will be the subject for another blog another time.
What utterly fantastic news.
Wow. O I am so very happy for both of you.
Got any names yet?
Need a babysitter??
Love to all three of you.
Amazing! New life in the oven, blob o buns, good times to be had with little dude. Congrats again and see you back East.
Hey you guys-
The VERY proud Grandmother has passed this beautiful blog onto me. So exciting, so real! I'm so glad Francesca is feeling better now. Can't wait to see more photos! Hope to see you guys soon. Best of health to all.
I definitely think that "Junta" is their best studio album.
Oh wait...I'm so used to Noah sending me links to the Phish message boards I forgot I was on Zingoblog!
Hooray for babies!! Congrats to Noah & Fran!!!
Congrats to all 3 of you. We are wery happy for you!!!
NOAH! AND FRAN! I couldn't be more excited! This baby is entering a great home with incredible parents!!!! I am sure everything will be so natural, even if there are moments you are scared. I love you both so much!!!!
woops that last one is me JOHNNA I don't know why i did anonymous. I think I just don't want to sign in.
BABIES!!!Big, HUGE congratulations, I am so happy for you both. Miss you guys..Lots of love from Jersey,
POPA and Ms Mose. Think Jr. looks like Noah. But wait...looks like Frencesca's hair. Well for sure that's one beautiful baby. The miricle of life,Gods perfection. Thrilled to be a part of this magnificant circle. Thank you for shareing with us. God Bless you. Love to all.
Donna was kind enough to share the blog with me. Very cool! I am so glad to hear that Francesca is feeling better. We are all very thrilled for the both of you. Enjoy every moment as time goes by so fast!
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