Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thank You

"Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting."
Elizabeth Bibesco, writer and poet

I don't even know how we could begin to thank the thousands of people who donated their time, money, music, art, gifts, food, spirit, and soul to make the Miracle for Mia Benefit weekend an astounding success.

We are humbled by the outpouring of love and support from the entire East End community as well as from our friends all over the world. It moves me to tears when I think of the power of our little 11 week old girl, and how she can unite and connect friends, family, and complete strangers in the simple act of giving and loving. We felt the love of everyone this weekend, even all the way up here in Boston.

Your generosity will help us help Mia and for that we are eternally grateful. We could not do any of this without you. The fact that you are reading this right now, and thinking about us, is helping. They say the effects of a butterfly flapping her wings in California can travel across the Pacific and be felt in Japan, so just imagine how powerful the effect of what you all did this weekend is felt here in Boston.

Continue to spread your love around, not just for us but everywhere you go. Be the light.

And remember that every single day you have is a gift. An absolute gift.

Noah, Francesca, and Mia


At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful words, beautiful feelings from such a beautiful family! Mia has brought out the love and generosity of everyone here on the East End, and all around the country as love, and prayers and kind words and donations pour in for this powerful and beautiful little girl who is my granddaughter. May I also add my thanks for everything and everyone who has entered our live because of our beautiful Mia. For me personally, thanks goes to my dear friends Suzanne and Susan, without whose help in taking care of my dogs, I wouldn't be able to go to Boston; to my manager, Alice, for letting me arrange my work schedule so I can be where I need to be, when I need to be there; and to all the brokers, and admins in our three Sotheby's Hamptons offices for their generosity in contributing to Miracle for Mia.Thanks also to all my family who have spread the word,and continue to donate to Mia
and to everone who helped make Saturday night, and the yogathon on Sunday a success.We do feel the love and this Love is bringing us us the Miracle that is Mia. With all my love to everyone, Donna Zingarelli

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The event was great. It was so nice to see your families, I didn't even know who was who, but just the same, it was wonderful. I stayed a long as I could, but I'm getting older and not quite the man I once was, and that probably a good thing. Mia looks so beautiful when she sleeps. I wish that tube could be gone, I know how annoying that is, I've had a few myself.

All my Love to you's, be strong.

Uncle John


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