Monday, September 15, 2008

Home today?

Mia was able to leave the ICU yesterday and get on to a regular care floor. They wanted to take extra caution and not discharge her too hastily. They are talking about a full discharge today, so keep your fingers crossed.
A week in the hospital has been very trying for all of us.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mia update

They took the breathing tube out yesterday and the plastic surgeon is very happy with how everything looks. She's getting back to her more normal self. They plan to move her out of ICU and up to a regular floor today and then hopefully we can take her home tomorrow.

Love you all!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

19 months

Here's a quick shot from last night, the first time Mia opened her eyes since coming out of the surgery 9 hours earlier. The anesthesia hit her pretty hard, and I can only assume that recovery from surgery is a massive drain of her already limited energy. I stayed at the hospital with her last night and she was resting without too much discomfort. She wasn't too happy when she realized her arms were restrained to prevent her from putting her hands anywhere near her face. She did her best to break free, but eventually surrendered and fell back asleep.

We're hoping they can remove the breathing tube today, and they said they will as soon as she's a little more awake and aware. She's breathing fine on her own, but there is swelling from the cleft surgery and if her air way became blocked after the tube came out, getting it back in would be a challenge to say the least. They opted to leave it in as a precaution.

Hopefully we can get her home tomorrow, but as with everything so far it all depends on Mia. She'll let us know when she's ready to go.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Summer's End

Hey blogger fans. Summer's near end and changes are abound. Most important and the inspiration for this quick update is Mia Bella will at last be getting her soft cleft palate repaired on Tuesday, which happens to be tomorrow. This is a 11th hour blog/email campaign to you all to just keep our little girl in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. The docs day it's a pretty simple procedure, and we know it will go fine, but a little love and positive thought never hurt! We love and miss you all! Check out the pictures of this big girl!

Trying out her new seat.

Look at the new teeth coming in.

Relaxing on a Sunday.

She's getting big!