Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Memorial for Mia Bella Friday, September 5, 2014

We will be having a celebration of Mia Bella's life this Friday, Sept 5th at her school, which she adored.

Boston College
Campus School
Lynch School of Education
Campion Hall Rm 197
235 Beacon St
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

The party will begin at 1:00pm and it will be a PARTY! We always said that we wanted to celebrate the life Mia lived when she passed, and make it as happy of an occasion as we could.

We will have food, music, and there will be a time for people to share their feelings and remembrances of Mia Bella's incredible life.

The Campus School is right on Beacon St, but please park in the BC parking garage which is just east of the school on Beacon if you're heading toward Boston.

We are asking if you would like to contribute something to please give a donation to our fund for Mia or please donate to the Campus School. The Campus School is an amazing place, filled with brilliant and caring teachers, therapists, nurses, aides and staff.

Campus School donation info here: Campus School Donation information.

IMPORTANT: If you're using GPS make sure you use Chestnut Hill as the city and NOT Boston.

Please call the Campus School with any questions @ (617) 552-3460

Link to Google Maps BC Campus School


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