Well goodness gracious, turns out Francesca has a belly full of little girl!
Proud, excited, exhilarated, are some words that come to mind.
Everytime I think of her, my heart swells and I can't help but smile and something seems to find it's way into my eye because it starts to tear.
So without further ado, I give you Mia Bella.....

"Face Plant"

"Happy Halloween 1" Mia makes her scary skeleton face. Turn your head sideways to the right.

"Happy Halloween 2"

"Thumbs Up" Don't worry, all is good in here! - mia bella
So that's our little girl as of 19 weeks. Those pics were taken October 9th. Three days later Francesca woke me up in the early morning saying she could feel her kicking. She took my hand and put it over her tummy and sure enough I felt two little kicks. Simply amazing.