Birthday Love
8 years ago Mia Bella entered this world and changed my life forever.
All children do that for their parents. They teach us what's important. What has real meaning.
They teach us what love is of course, and they remind us what we easily forget - love is all there is really.
At the heart of it all, at the heart of who we are is the love that we are and the love that we share with one another.
Mia brought this message in a profound and powerful way.
Mia was about the moment, this one right now. She was not trapped in the past of expectations or worried about what was to come.
She knew the gifts and the miracles that living fully in the now would bring, and she never felt bad about who she was.
I wake up everyday and I thank her for giving this gift to me.
For coming into my life and showing me how beautiful it truly is,
and how blessed we all are.
Happy Birthday Mia Bella.
Daddy loves you now and forever.