Some Winter/Spring school pics
Mia on her first day of school with her friend Abby and her teacher, Miss Cindy.
What a great year this has been for Mia Bella! She turned 3 years old in February - a major milestone for her!
She graduated from the infant toddler program at Perkins School for the Blind and began a pre-school at the Boston College Campus School. Here are some pictures from her the past few months at the Campus School. Mia really loves her new school and all her wonderful teachers and therapists!
Getting quite a reaction to a koosh ball.
We are so proud of her.
Some light sensory time.
Getting familiar with her new physical therapist.
Listen to your mother.

Arts and crafts.
All wrapped up. Winter in Boston is hard.

Enjoying the Spring bloom, a gift from Aunt Maryanne for Mia's birthday.
A visit in March from Grandpa Z.

Fun with ducks!

Getting on the school bus.

Ready to go.

Enjoying a Spring afternoon.

Having a lot of fun.

Hit the ball.

Time for a swim!

Mia doesn't love the water yet...
But she loves school!