In Like a Lion
It was almost gone. Almost. A few small icy mounds where snow had been piled nearly two stories high were all that remained. The only evidence that the North East has received a pounding of the white fluff with levels that rivaled even last winter's record breaking snow fall. But then March hit and so did the snow, filling the yard and streets with close to a foot. Agh. We were so close. Dare I say some of the trees even started to bud.
Oh well. At least the days are getting longer and Spring can't be too far away. Getting a little closer each day.
Mia is going great. She's enjoying her 2's and hasn't been too terrible yet. She was really excited about something when I took these pictures. You can really see her teeth coming in now.
Mia just got a new piece of equipment called a Stander. As the name implies it's to help her start standing and bearing some weight on her feet and legs.

Here Kathleen, the physical therapist, helps Mia out with the Stander.

View from the back. She's really strapped in securely.

She's not quite sure yet how she feels about standing. It's a lot of work for her and a lot of coordination but doing a little bit each day is really helping her.

Take a look at these hands. Big hands! She's getting so big. 27 lbs at last doctor visit.