Mia's Story
Our daughter, Mia Bella, was born just before Valentine's Day during a snowy Long Island winter in 2007. We knew Mia was going to be challenged before she came but we had no idea what about the journey she was going to take us on. We just knew we loved her. Her story is one of heartbreak, tragedy, acceptance and love and proof that anything is possible.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Fall Postings 2
As mentioned early, the fall has bee spectacular. The cool days are always a welcome change after the hot days of summer. Mia is continuing to make great strides with the various physical therapies we are getting for her. She is growing stronger and stronger and now at 9 months old, she weighs nearly 17 lbs!
We are incredibly grateful for every wonderful day and for the continued support that our families and friends give us. We could not have come this far without all of you.
Here are some more photos from October including Mia in her ballerina Halloween costume. We had a fun Halloween hanging out with our neighbors, Diane and Norm, and seeing all the trick or treaters out and about.
Mia tries some avocado. Blech!!
Mia got to spend a little time with our friends Jay and Jess.
And of course some Grandpa Z time.
Enjoying the fall colors during a lovely afternoon walk.
Grandma Marilyn beams.
All bundled up on a cold day!
Bella ballerina on Halloween!
A little video!
No Halloween candy for Mia, but she does get a nice warm bottle.