Summer's End
Hope everyone had a happy and healthy summer. As you can see from lack of blog posts, we've been very busy. Mia is doing fantastic, getting bigger and stronger everyday. She's now over 15 lbs and 24" long. All her doctors are very happy with her progress and she continues to thrive. The diet and supplements she's on are keeping her lactic acid levels in check.
Mia needs to see the doctors less frequently now, and is getting more therapy (PT, OT, chiropractic, cranial sacral) that is really helping her with her muscle strength and control. She is so strong and so amazing.
Here are some pictures from this summer. Enjoy!
All bundled after bath.
Attack that bink!

Morning time with dad.
Huggin fishy.
Goin for a ride.
OT with Lisa
Getting some chiropractic with Dr. Grace
Enjoying some time in the swing seat.
Lovin' lamby.
Dressed to impress.
A chilly day.
PT with Kathleen
Bath time.
Summer Reading!
Nap with lamby.
Getting to be a big girl!
She's up to somethin'.
This summer we also had some great visitors, and did some traveling of our own. Mia's big cousins came all the way from California with her newest cousin, Ronin, as well as Aunt Doreen and Uncle Anthony. The Grandparents Z came up for a quick one day visit with Uncle Nelson. For Labor Day weekend we spent a very relaxing weekend with Francesca's brother Gerard and his family.
Aunt Doreen gets her first look.
Vacc attack.
Ronin's not sure why he has to sit for a picture.
Big cousins meet little cous.
Poppa Z
That's Uncle Nelson. Yeah the dog.
Spending some time with Julia, Joseph, and Thomas.
The oldest and youngest Buffo grandchildren.
Aunt Robertta.
Grandma Marilyn Z and her sister Marsha.
Finally, we heading back to Long Island for a quick weekend visit to celebrate Martha and Jerry's 50th Anniversary. There's nothing quite like the end of the summer/beginning of Fall on the East End and this weekend was no exception. We had a great time and wished it could have lasted forever.
The happy couple. And Martha and Jerry.
Kai and Andrew enjoy the evening.
Aunt Mary gets some one on one.
Aunt Theresa and Mia.
A long night winds down. Time to go....