Arrival in Boston

We started out early today at Stony Brook, making sure Mia was all ready to go. As we sat in the waiting room, waiting for the nurses to finish prepping her for the trip, a group of strangers in the room inquired if we were waiting for a baby to be born. We told them Mia's story and they asked if we wanted them to pray with us for Mia's safe travel and wellness. As Francesca and I stood hand in hand, surrounded by 5 or 6 people we had never met, their hands laid on us, speaking prayers and blessings for Mia, we felt we were in the presence of true angels. It was an unforgettable experience. We hugged them goodbye, tears streaming down everyone's faces, and went into the NICU to finalize Mia's arrangements.
5 hours later we arrived safe and sound in Boston around 1:30 pm. Mia came by ambulance and arrived at about the same time. Once Francesca and I made sure Mia was all checked in and in the system here at Children's Hospital, we went up to the NICU to see her.

When we got there, her new nurse was already feeding her and Mia was looking really happy. She said the ambulance ride was very exciting and that she now has a "need for speed." Mia's words, not mine. Nurse Tina was very sweet and answered all of our questions and asked us just as many about Mia. I left the camera in the car, but got a few cell phone pics for the curious. I promise some nicer ones tomorrow.

We met many of the doctors and other nurses in the NICU. 3 different genetic doctors, including Dr. Gerry Berry, met with us and examined Mia and asked us about her history as well as ours. They are sifting through all of Mia's files from Stony Brook first to see what has been done so far, and then will come up with their plan of action.
Mia seemed very comfortable in her new surroundings. Today was long and overwhelming with many mixed emotions. It was hard to leave Stony Brook in a way, as it had almost become a second home. Boston seems very far away from everything, but we know it was the right thing to bring Mia here. We miss her special angels at Stony Brook, but we look forward to getting to know her new ones here.
Dear Noah & Francesca & Mia,
Yesterday I'm sure was a very emotional day for you. How wonderful to be praying together with those strangers. God and Mia's guardian angel was certainly present. I prayed also the Mary,God's mother, to keep you all safe and to help Mia. We love you. Aunt Theresa & Uncle Mickey
This blog has become a daily ritual for me, and I am happy to see Mia looking comfortable and as beautiful as ever. What a send-off, very prophetic. Please keep us posted on her progress and what the doctors say. You two are special people, as is Mia.
Susan Bell
You are the best parents in the whole world!! I miss seeing and holding Mia, but I am so happy she is in Boston, and we can continue with whatever needs to be done!!
I love you my three beauties!!
GramZ xoxox
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